Admissions. Why Place a Student at PFS?
Pears Family School is an Alternative Provision (AP) school specialising in providing short and long-term placements for students with complex needs. Our Admissions policy can be found under USEFUL DOCUMENTS on this page.
Who We Are
Neil Dawson and Brenda McHugh (right and centre) are the Co-founders of Pears Family School (PFS). Both are Consultant Psychotherapists who have worked for over 20 years within the NHS developing the evidence-based therapeutic intervention which will be used at TFS.
Stephen Taylor NPQH (left) was the Founding Headteacher of TFS. Stephen has considerable experience of senior leadership and headship in mainstream and Alternative Provision schools.
From September 2018 Matthew Hillman has been in post as Headteacher.
A Unique Centre of Excellence
We offer:
- A comprehensive assessment of need: Mental Health and Behaviour for Learning assessment and an analysis of issues related to the child within their family context.
- Diagnosis and intervention for children with a range of conditions and behaviours – ADHD, Asperger’s, attachment disorder, school refusers as well as anxiety and depression.
- A broad-based extended-day curriculum delivered with innovative teaching and learning strategies and supported by rigorous tracking of progress and achievement.
- Sustainable progress in pupils’ health, behaviour and resilience by building capacity within the family and by supporting schools through outreach and training.
We also provide:
- A readily identifiable use of the pupil premium grant and access to data on its impact on narrowing the gap.
- Expert provision which will support a comprehensive Local Offer as part of the 2014 SEN Code of Practice
A Track Record of Successful Intervention with Children, Families and Schools
Pears Family School is building on 20 years of successful therapy and teaching based at The Marlborough Family Education Centre in Westminster.
Empirical research and consistent feedback from headteachers, parents and pupils has shown that our multifamily-based model successfully helps:
- Re-engage disaffected pupils
- Support vulnerable, anxious and depressed young people and their families
- Build resilience
- Enhance the self-control and self-management of ‘out of control’ pupils